
Thanks for stopping by. Read below to learn more about myself and my background.


I have been professionally working in web and mobile development for 2 years, with a focus on React Native.

During this time, I have been able to rebuild and enhance the code base of an application using design patterns such as Atomic Design and Clean Architecture, which accelerated the development process to keep up with the design changes.

I have also participated in side projects where I had the opportunity to work with technologies like NextJs, Tailwind, tRPC, React Query, Clerk, Planetscale, Prisma, and Expo. Through these technologies, I learned how to build scalable applications and utilize CI/CD techniques to deliver value rapidly to the users.

Regarding my education, I hold a technical degree in computer science from IFPI and I am currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Information Systems at UFPI. I possess a strong understanding of programming logic and data structures.


Graduating as bachelor in Information Systems at Federal University of PiauĂ­.

High School with Technical course in Computer Science, with an emphasis on Software Development.


React Native, React, Next, Node, Scrum, Kanban, Atomic Design, Clean Archiceture, Tailwind, Styled-Components, Redux, Jotai, Express, tRPC, Prisma, TypeORM, MySQL, Docker, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Heroku, Vercel, Netlify, Linux, Windows, Figma, Adobe XD.